I still can't believe that I am actually pregnant. I have been wanting a child for a couple of years now and everytime I think it might happen something gets in the way. I guess I could start from the beginning.
I had my wonderful, beautiful daughter at the ripe 'ol age of 15. I loved her from the time I saw her. There was no way that my little bundle of joy was ever going to be anything more than a wonderful experience for me. I know that I was young but I always tried my hardest and worked my booty off. I continued school and worked to support her. Thank God, I had my family. My mom has always been there for me. Even though she was disappointed, she never once said that I couldn't do it. She has loved my daughter just as much as I have from the beginning. I can't thank her enough for everything that she has done for me. When I was 18, I moved out of my family's home and into my own. I continued working and supporting my daughter the best I could. At the time I was in a long-term relationship (not my daughter's father), I thought I was happy but I guess I never really was. We were together for 5 years before he moved out and I moved on. At this point, my daughter was 6 years old. We moved into our own place and started making a life of our own. I had wanted a baby for a couple of years but knew that it wasn't a possibility in the relationship that I was in.
Fast forward! I met my husband for the first time on August 31st 2007. I fell in love instantly. He was everything I ever dreamed of and intelligent to boot. To top it off, he loved my daughter to the high heavens and wanted to have more kids in the future. It didn't take long that we were engaged and living together. On June 15th 2008, we were married. Our life was and continues to be so great. We are two peas in a pod and love each other endlessly. He loves my daughter as his own and she loves him more than she loves me (that's my thought anyways!)
We knew that we wanted more children but that I did not have regular periods so we went in to see an OB for a couple of preliminary tests. The first thing she did was perform a pap smear and a few weeks later, the results came back that I had the beginnings of cervical cancer. I was devastated. We had to do a LEEP procedure. They took out a part of my cervix and performed more tests to moniter my improvement. At the same time (right around August '08) we started seeing a fertility specialist. We figured out that I do not ovulate well, because my periods are so irregular and come when they please. The doctor wanted to wait to get back my test results from the pap smears before going forward with fertility treatment. In January '09 we got the results that stated I did not have any cervical cancer and we could go forward with having babies. They automatically put me on 50 mg of clomid and told me to wait it out. I waited the 14-18 days after my period and the ovulation never came. We anxiously waited for February's period to come so that I could start on 100 mg of clomid. February's period never came and the horrible part was that I wasn't even pregnant. They had to start me on hormones to get my period to start and on March 5th 2009, it came. Instead of taking the 100 mg of clomid, they put me on 150 mg and told me good luck.
On March 19th, exactly 14 days later, I ovulated! We were so excited! We scheduled an insemination for the next day. We were so nervous and scared the following day when we went in for the insemination. My husband just knew that we were going to get pregnant (on the first try!) and I was scared that I wasn't. The next week crawled by. I was getting antsy and decided to buy the early pregnancy detecter strips online. On Saturday, March 28th, only 9 days after the insemination, I got two lite pink lines! We cried and laughed all at the same time. On Sunday, I took another test, it was positive and on Monday, we decided to take a Clearblue digital home pregnancy test, thinking that it was too early for it to come out positive. IT DID! Of course, we called and told everyone that we could think of. I cried and cried and cried! The happiness didn't last long.
About a week after we found out, I started bleeding and cramping. I had no idea what was going on and I tried to look up every bit of information up on the internet that I could. Everything pointed to not so great news. The doctor thought I was possibly having an ectopic pregnancy. It was way too soon to get an ultrasound, so they started making me go in for HcG testing. I went in the first day and went back to work in tears. I couldn't believe that I finally get pregnant and it might be all taken away from me so quickly. The lab called me and told me the results were 261 and I was 3 weeks 6 days pregnant. They said that sounded about normal but I would need to come back in the next week and see if they could get an HCG level over 2000 so they could do an ultrasound. The next day, I had to go home from work early because I was in so much pain. The doctor made me come in and do an examine on me. After looking at my records, she finally realized that I had just had a LEEP procedure 4 months ago. She assured me that the bleeding could be from that and that I might just be having normal pregnancy pains. I went home and went back the next day for more HCG testings. It was at a 591! More than doubled from two days before. They made me wait until the next week to go in again. I was 4 weeks and 5 days along and my HCG levels had doubled to 2881! They rushed me to the ultrasound room. The tech could not see much of anything. She said that I had a fluid like sac (in my uterus!) that measured about 4 wk and 5 days but she could not be sure. They told me that I would have to come back.
My next ultrasound appointment in on Friday. I will be 6 weeks and 1 day along and hopefully they will be able to see the baby. I have been looking up what you are supposed to be at 6 weeks pregnant and everything says that I should be able to see the fetal pole and maybe even the heartbeat. I haven't had much morning sickness. I have had more night sickness though. I feel so tired and my breasts are very sore. All of these are good signs that Friday is going to go well, hopefully. The doctors said that I have a good chance of multiples since I was taking clomid, so we will find that out as well. We wouldn't mind having twins! I wouldn't mind at all. I just want to know that everything is ok and that this pregnancy is going to last.
Everyone think good thoughts!