Monday, August 17, 2009

23 weeks, 4 days

A lot has happened in the last week or so since I wrote last. As you probably read, 1 1/2 weeks ago, I went to the hospital for contractions and was placed on serious bed rest. I was really depressed about it but knew that if I got 2 healthy daughters out of the mix, I would make it. The following Monday I went to my doctor to get my cervix checked. The results were amazing. He did a vaginal scan and said that he could not even fit my cervix on the screen. It was over 5 cms long! It has grown 1 cm since about 5 weeks ago! Crazy! He did a ffn, that was negative. He also said my cervix was like steel. He took me off bed rest and lifted all restrictions! I was so happy when I left the office that day, I was crying my eyes out. Despite the assurance of my doctor, I have taken it pretty easy for the last week. I did go back to work full-time but I go home and put my feet up. My husband has been the bulk of all household chores which I must say has been fantastic! I just want to make sure that these babies make it all the way to 36 weeks (if not longer). I don't mind being pregnant until 40 weeks because I know that my babies will be healthy little girls.

Great news also was delivered last Monday. MY HUSBAND GOT A STATE JOB! Full family benefits are included. This has taken so much stress off of us. We were hoping that I would be able to quit work to stay at home with the girls but in my husband's current job to put us all on his insurance would have cost $1100/month. We wouldn't even been able to pay the rent. But fortunately my very intelligent husband got offered a great job with great benefits that we don't have to pay for. So though, money will still be tight, I will not have to work! I am so excited to stay at home and watch my babies grow up. I am also happy that I can contribute to my daughter's class by going to some class parties and field trips. I have never been able to do that and she was so excited when I let her know that I would volunteer for a field trip next year. She is such a sweetie!

Speaking of my daughter, in two short weeks, she is going to be in 3rd grade! I really can't believe it. We took her back to school shopping yesterday. That was quite an experience. As an ALMOST 9 year old, she has now decided that the clothes I pick out are so un-cool. She was very picky. Luckily, we agreed on a few things and I let her get her way with most everything except the pink hair-dye that she would just die if she didn't get. At the end of day, I asked her if she was happy that she was going to look so cool at school. She stated, "I would look cooler if my parents would let me dye my hair!" All I could do was laugh!

That's it for now. 2 1/2 days to viability! Even though, I have faith that we are going to make it so much longer than that.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful news! I am so thrilled for you! I too resigned my job to be a SAHM and, although we will never be rich, the money is a short price to pay for being able to watch our children grow up.

    And only a few precious hours til viability for you!!! That is wonderful news, too!!! Prayers for your family!
