Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 weeks 0 days

It was Bring Your Kid To Work Day today. This was the first time that I have ever been able to participate in this activity since before working as a case manager, I was a General Manager of a Wendy's. I don't think my daughter, Devanne was too excited about coming to work with me at first but HEY! at least it got her out of school for one day. My work is totally awesome and have lots of different activities planned for her to do all day. There were about 10 kids here that were around her age and she has had a great time so far. I love Devanne, my littlest baby (for now) so much! She means the world to me and I can't believe how fast she is growing up.

I made it to 7 weeks! The time seems to be going faster and faster. I am excited for my prenatal appointment coming up on Monday. This weekend shouldn't be too bad either. Saturday, Devanne has a softball game at 4 and then she is going to spend the night at my mom's house for the night. I think Josh is going to take me out to play bingo. Bingo is SO fun! I haven't been forever either! Just not enough money in the world... Sunday, I think we are going to go to church. This will be different for us as Josh is Buddhist and I just don't go to church. When we were having a bunch of problems with bleeding and cramps, I thought that I was going to lose the babies. I told myself in my head that if God let these babies survive that I would believe in him and I would go to church. Little did I know, Josh had told himself the same thing. We decided to start going to a Christian church that is down the street from our house and I am quite excited about it. I really want my children to grow up with some faith. Devanne was baptized Catholic but she has only been to church a handful of times and doesn't much enjoy it. I am hoping that we can get her into it.

I will be sure to post on Monday after the doctor's appointment if I don't before that.

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