Thursday, September 17, 2009

28 weeks!

I am just so relieved to see this day pass and still be pregnant! The babies are doing great still. I had a doc appointment yesterday. Their heartbeats were strong! My tummy was measuring 37 weeks for a singleton! That is so amazing. I just don't know how I am going to stretch far enough to make it to the goal-36 weeks and beyond! I am going to keep my fingers crossed for 32 weeks first! 28 days! Little steps...

This weekend is going to be a blast. Friday night we have our final twins and beyond class. Saturday is my husband's birthday-the big 2-6! Haha! We are going to go to dinner with family and friends. Sunday is my first of two baby showers! I am so excited! I am starting to get into that nesting mode I have heard so much about. I am making lists of things that we still need to do before the babies get here. It is so much! But with the baby shower's soon to be crossed off, at least we will know what we still need to buy for them. I will be doing lots of organizing and cooking! I wonder how long I will still be able to walk... I am already waddling so much.

Well, that is it for now. Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures of this weekend. God is definitely looking out for me and these angels growing inside of me!

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