Thursday, April 30, 2009

8 weeks 0 days

First off, I would like to say that my new nephew is here! He was born yesterday at 9:41 A.M. He is 7 lbs 3 ozs and 20 inches long. He is so adorable. I am in love with him already... perfectly healthy and my sister is doing awesome as well. I was so hormonal yesterday after watching his birth. I had this overwhelming sense that this was actually real. I am actually going to have TWO babies. I suddenly felt like my world was falling in. I was so anxious... I was thinking how am I going to take care of two babies? How was the whole hospital thing going to work? How am I going to hold both of my babies? I know that people have been having twins for a long time but I just feel so worried about me actually doing it. Of course everyone was telling me that they are going to help and that I was not going to be alone. I know that my husband will be there and that he will help probably more than I want him to but at some point he has to go to work. Once the fancy wears off, people aren't going to be so willing to come and do my laundry and let me take a shower. I know that I am going to make it, I know that I will love these babies and do everything I can for them... I am just scared.

On top of all the stress that I have been feeling, my gluclose levels came back abnormal. So I not only had to drink that nasty orange drink once but today I had to go back and drink it again. I had to do a 3 hour gluclose test which meant fasting for 12 hours first. I then went in around 8. They took my blood the first time then sent me out of the waiting room. Around a half hour later, they called me in to drink the nasty drink. Then made me go back out to the waiting room for an hour. Exactly an hour later I went back in for them to draw my blood again. At this point I was very nauseous and it was obvious that the techs knew it so they drew my blood then gave me a room to lay down in. They let me know that if I vomited, I would have to come back tomorrow and start all over again before they left me alone. I waited for another hour and went back to get my blood drawn again. They poked me and realized that that vein did not want to give anymore blood so they had to retry in the other arm. So fun! I then went back in the room for one more hour before they drew their final vial. So as of right now, I haven't eaten for about 16 hours. I am exhausted and still nauseous. I can not even fathom eating anything without throwing it up and I had to go to work! I am practically falling out of my desk. I know that I have to eat something at some point but I really don't want to up chuck at work. How embarassing.

On a nice note, my stomach is feeling completely pregnant. It is getting bigger and bigger with each day that passes. I have not stopped worrying about the health of my precious cargo but everytime I look at my growing stomach, it makes me feel a little better. Hopefully I don't have diabetes but if I do, I will do everything in my power to make sure these babies stay and grow healthy.

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