Friday, July 31, 2009

21 weeks 1 day

Yesterday, I had a bit of a scare, actually a HUGE scare! I have been having a preterm labor nurse call me every week until the babies are born. This was set up by the hospital. When they call, they ask how my week went, if I have had any contractions, back pain or anything else that would suggest I am going into labor. The nurse emailed me yesterday. I emailed her back with a few things. A few days ago, I felt some tightening in my stomach. I couldn't really tell if they were contractions but it was really hot outside and I had been doing some cleaning, so I figured they were. I drank a bunch of water and went to bed and they went away. Yesterday, my lower back was killing me and I felt like (TMI coming up) I was having a lot of vaginal pressure. I was entirely concerned but wanted to ask her about them. She told me that I was probably having contractions and that it was a good thing that I got them to go away on my own. Then she said that I needed to keep a really close eye on my back pain and pressure. I kind of just deleted her email like it was nothing but as the day went by, the pain and the pressure were still there. I called my husband who said, "its better to be safe than sorry." So we called the nurse's advice line to ask their opinions. I thought that they might just tell me to come in and get checked out but instead they told me to go straight to Labor and Delivery. I started crying and freaking out. I didn't think it was that serious. As soon as I heard Labor and Delivery I was thinking, "but wait, I am not delivering anything..." I went to the hospital and the nurse hooked me up to a contraction moniter. Much to my astonishment, I was having very small contractions every 10 minutes. I started freaking out staring at the contraction moniter. I can feel the tightening of my stomach but I just figured it was the babies moving around in there. The doctor finally came in (about 2.5 hours later) and did a cervical check. My cervix was completely closed. They did a speculum exam to see if I had any infections... I did not. They looked at my urine to make sure that I was hydrated... they said I did a great job at that. They did a vaginal ultrasound to see if my cervix was shortening... it wasn't. By the end of 5 hours, they have no idea why I was having contractions. They think it might be from the heat... it is SO hot here but they aren't sure. The doctor says that she is not worried about it since my cervix has not changed a bit. She believes that the back ache is from the babies and has no clue why I feel pressure. Needless to say... I am realived about the cervix not being dialated but so scared about contractions. I don't think that this is normal.

I talked to the babies. I told them that they had 15 more weeks. They are not allowed out until 36 weeks and hopefully they will make it to 39 weeks. I told them they would be in big trouble if they came out before then... haha! like they are going to listen... they just twisted and kicked me more. I love these babies so much! They are my children. I am already the mother of 3 kids, I don't want anything to happen to them. I guess we will just have to see. I have an OB appointment on Tuesday so maybe MY doc will have something to say about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica!

    I just wanted to come say hi since I saw you started following my blog!

    Congratulations on your twin girls!!! I am so excited for you! It is such a nerve-wracking experience, multiple pregnancy! I understand how you are scared from reading all the sad stories and babies born too soon, but it sounds like you and your docs are on top of it!

    I always say "better safe than sorry" like your hubby. Peace of mind goes a long way.

    Take care!
