Wednesday, October 28, 2009

33 weeks, 6 days

Yes, I am still pregnant. I can't really believe it myself. The doctor, my family and I all thought that I would have delivered by now but I am still trucking along. My cervix has stayed at 2-3 cm dilated and I still have about 1.9 cm of length yet. Now we are talking full-term babies. I am happy with that. I am still taking nephaphene every four hours and I am on bedrest even though, I have to admit I haven't done such a great job with staying off of my feet all the time. It is getting harder though, to even stand up. I am so big and the girls are pushing 4.5-5 lbs each. I have 10 lbs of pure baby inside of me. I am tired all the time because I am a complete insomniac. I can not sleep at night! I hate it. First, they told me it was because of the steroid shots that I received to mature the babies' lungs but that was 3 weeks ago and I still can't sleep at night. It is so uncomfortable and I have to pee at least once an hour. I am so ready to have these babies but I know that a few more weeks will definitely make a great difference. I would like the babies not to have spent anytime in the NICU so that is my number 1 goal for now. We are all ready for them to come whenever they do come. The nursery is finished and the carseats are all installed and checked over. I love walking into the nursery and knowing that I am going to have my beautiful girls in there in such a short amount of time. I can't wait to hold them and see their faces. I just keep wondering what they are going to look like? Are they going to have hair? Are they going to be colickly babies or are they going to be calm like their older sister was? My husband and I talk all the time about the excitement of having these girls. I know that it is going to be hard and I know that I am going to be tired but it is going to be so worth it.

My daughter turned 9 yesterday! I can't believe how fast time has flown. She is all into the skinny jeans and other fashions that seem way too old for her. She keeps asking me for a cell phone. She says that ALL the kids in her class have a phone. I just laugh at this knowing this is probably exactly what I said to my mom. I told her no way, no how is she going to have a cell phone until she is at least 12 or 13. How ridculous for a child to have a cell phone when they shouldn't be anywhere without their parents anyway. She is just growing up way too fast. I know this is going to happen to the twins also. It makes me so sad!

Anyways, just wanted to give a short update. I am happy that most of the moms on the blogs that I follow have had their babies already! Everyone seems happy and healthy. It makes me feel better for our future.

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